David Gaggin

David Gaggin

I received a Bachelor of Science and Master degrees in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. I spent 16 years designing and managing flight control systems, avionics and cockpits for The Boeing Company. I then joined the US Government’s Senior Executive Service where I spent nine years in various director positions for the US Army and NASA research and development organizations. For the last 16 years of my business career I was the CEO of Cobham Defense Electronic Systems Corp, a company I founded and grew into the world’s leading defense microwave corporation, which at my retirement had a billion dollars in annual sales and over 3500 employees. Mainstream science was part of my education so I was exposed to those tenets early in life and often. But science focuses on the physical world and I figured if the source of the physical world is spiritual, then finding reality’s truths without considering its spiritual aspects would be a futile effort. I concluded that if religion, science and philosophy could not construct a rational view of reality, then the answers needed to come from elsewhere. A consistent pattern of potential truth began to emerge that separated itself from the rest of the information. After retiring from the business world I wrote “The Endless Journey” and I have now just published my second book, Our Eternal Existence, A Metaphysical Perspective of Reality" published on Dec 1, 2023. Learn more about me at https://davidgaggin.com