
Natalie "Traveling Miss T." Teboul

Natalie Teboul, AKA Traveling Miss T., started her teaching career with the TNTP New York City Teaching Fellows upon graduation from Binghamton University in 2014. Through this program, Natalie taught 6th grade math and science in the South Bronx, while obtaining her Master’s in Education from St. John's University. In 2016, Natalie was accepted into San Diego State University's Graduate Program with a Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship. Natalie worked part time as an elementary school math specialist as she worked on her Master in Fine Arts (Creative Writing), and later taught 5th grade full time when she graduated from SDSU. She started her company, NBTutors LLC in response to the pandemic in the summer of 2020. She now runs a successful Learning Space and Tutoring Center, specializing in K-12 academic enrichment and support. When she’s not “traveling” she loves to cook, tap dance, and listen to Taylor Swift!