Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla

Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla

Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla is Co-Founder of the Canadian Federation For Citizenship. She is a member of the International Bar Association as well as Founder and CEO at Gulamani-Abdulla & Co., Immigration Consulting. Jenny is equipped with almost three decades of experience in immigration and citizenship. Titled "One of Canada's Most Powerful Women" a decade ago by the Women's Executive Network and named "Iconic Women Creating a Better World For All“ by the Women Economic Forum in India, she served as the first Muslim President of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) in its over 90 year old history. Currently, in addition to her consulting firm, Jenny occupies a seat on the BPW International board which has had General Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1947.