Heather Stewart

Heather Stewart

Heather's journey is a testament to the relentless pursuit of fulfillment and purpose. After a successful career in corporate finance, Heather felt a lingering sense of discontent. Despite the financial stability and camaraderie, she knew something crucial was missing from her life. Seeking to rebalance her own health and discover her purpose, Heather ventured into the world of wellness, embracing practices like yoga, personal training, meditation, and massage therapy. Yet amidst the rewards and sense of fulfillment of these practices, she sensed a yearning to make an even greater impact, to address the holistic well-being of others. And thus, Heather found her calling in coaching. Drawing from her corporate background, she understands the pressures of high-stakes careers and the demands of entrepreneurship. Yet, she also knows the transformative power of self-care and mindfulness. Today, Heather's journey continues as she shares her wisdom and guides others on their paths to fulfillment and balance. With her unique blend of business acumen and wellness expertise, she's on a mission to empower individuals to thrive in all aspects of their lives.