Dede  Lyons

Dede Lyons

Dede Lyons, Empowerment Coach, founder of the Feel Good Express Lifestyle Program, Author, speaker, Angel Guide empowers clients with the tools to attract a joy-filled life. Dede's life long passion for feeling good coupled with her success at guiding others to own their gifts, inspired her to create the FGE methodology for all of life's challenges. Whether clients are working toward self-love, attracting a soulmate, opening their spiritual connection, or revamping a business plan, the effortless FGE express practices will catapult you towards achieving your personal and professional goals. As a result of her broadcast marketing career setback, a pivotal and tremendous shift occurred in the spring of 1996 when she received an angel reading from Trudy Griswold, the author of 'Angel Speake'. Soon after, Dede was journaling and connecting to her angelic team on a regular basis. This higher connection not only raised her vibration and opened a direct channel to her angels, it gave her access to one of her dormant gifts: the gift of claircognizance. This crystal clear knowing enables Dede to give concrete, customized advice, and to empower clients to connect to their guardian angels & abundance love path.