Holly O'Donnell

Holly O'Donnell

Holly O’Donnell joined the Bazelon Center from America SCORES, a national youth development organization operating in urban public schools, where she served as the National Executive Director. Prior to America SCORES, O’Donnell served as the first leader of the After School Department for Pittsburgh Public Schools, overseeing all after school and mentoring programs and partnerships. Before that, she was Director of Career Learning at the Jewish Healthcare Foundation in Pittsburgh, PA, where she helped launch the organization’s Center for Career Learning, a national K-12 career education reform effort. As Executive Director of DC SCORES, one of DC’s largest after school programs for 700 public school children, O’Donnell was honored by President George W. Bush for “Outstanding Service-Learning Opportunities,” the Washington Business Journal for “Exceptional Involvement of Corporate Volunteers,” Meyer Foundation for “Innovative Fundraising by an Executive Director,” and the DC Public Schools and Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers as a “Community Based Organization Partner of the Year.” Before DC SCORES, she was a Presidential Appointee to the Department of Education’s White House America Reads Challenge under President Clinton. Her commitment to the mission of the Bazelon Center is personal. Her advocacy for people with disabilities is inspired by her brother Brendan who has an intellectual disability. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University.