Brian W. Sykes

Brian W. Sykes

Brian W. Sykes was given the titles 'AI Catalyst' and 'AI Whisperer' from his LinkedIn community. Brian is a passionate advocate and educator at the intersection of creativity and artificial intelligence, having authored several insightful books on generative AI applications for Creative Professionals. He is the founder of the A.I. Lab, a platform dedicated to exploring and maximizing the potential of AI in the creative industries, offering courses and resources to enhance professional growth. With a commitment to community building and knowledge sharing, Brian continues to seek innovative ways to engage and support creative minds in harnessing the power of AI. Before AI, Brian ran a Branding & Marketing Agency, AdJourney, for 23-years starting in 1999. Simultaneously, he dedicated 10-years to teaching Adobe to Creatives, and since 2010, he has been educating SMBs on branding, marketing, and advertising through the US SBA.