Patrick Olmstead

Patrick Olmstead

Patrick Olmstead is a solo attorney in Indiana, focusing on attorney ethics, legal malpractice, business litigation, and corporate work from formation to dissolution. He also has a niche international law practice in board games. Patrick started writing code circa 1980, making things such as random number generators to play Dungeons & Dragons in middle school. Patrick started his first business while attending the University of Notre Dame. He built a custom database for video store owners, after listening to store owners complain about theft. He used an Apple computer with a 20mb (yes, megabyte) external hard drive, which was state of the art compared to the Mac SE (which featured 2 3.5” floppy drives). He worked in logistics—for himself and FedEx—before graduating from law school. Despite working two jobs during law school, he finished 2nd in his class. He now has his own law firm which has benefitted greatly from the wisdom gained from two failed businesses.