Mark Meding

Mark Meding

I am a NJ native living in North Jersey currently with my lovely wife and sweet dog, Lola. I am a very creative person. I am a Musician, Moss Artist, published author and the Director of a Technology company. My approach to life is to find a creative angle no matter what I am involved with. I do not believe that we ever perfect life, there is more to learn, more to do and ways to do life better. I don’t believe that I will ever reach the finish line in life. I feel I can do better each and every day. I have been in the technology industry for 30 years and have seen the many changes that technology has evolved over the years. I work for a Manufacturers Rep firm named C&C Technology Group. This is a 40 year old firm that has been involved in IT/AV/Sec in the NY Metro area. The Technology that we represent is relevant to the commercial marketplace. Technology changes very quickly which makes my job fun. Besides having a fun day job in Technology I am the Drummer for a band Named Southern Stew. We are a Southern Rock cover band. I also enjoy creating Moss art projects. Yes, Moss art is a thing…LOL My latest creative efforts led me into writing my first book Named The Jersey Death Squad: A Journey to Kill Jessie Freeman I published this book in paperback and on Kindle with Amazon. I don’t know where life will lead me, but I look forward to finding out. I hope to see you on my journey.