Sally Raymond

Sally Raymond

Sally Raymond’s first son Jon was always her best and toughest teacher. At 2, driving past a gas station, she heard him go, “Tuh-EXX—AH—COOO…” At 7, his excellent questions forced her back to school to keep up, then get all A’s, because he was…until she wound up with highest honors. At 15 he TAUGHT calculus; at 17 he entered Carnegie Mellon to get both his Bachelors and Masters in Theoretical Math in only 4 years. His suicide a year later forced this Mom and newly licensed psychotherapist to seek all she obviously missed that took her superstar to suicide. And as she did, she found his stories live on, doing to others what they had to him. She had to write his stories in a way that would help others survive what he didn’t to live long and well. After 28 years, The Son I Knew Too Late: A Guide to Help You Survive and Thrive is out. And ever since, Sally finds more ways we set our children and society up to fail and have dedicated her life to their solutions.