Gail and Gregory Hoag

Gail and Gregory Hoag

Gail and Gregory Hoag are leaders in the world of Sacred Geometry. They are authors of Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm of Sacred Geometry, they have pioneered groundbreaking technologies and new discoveries that have transformed the lives of tens of thousands across the globe with their teaching and tools. They have harnessed the power of divine archetypes to amplify higher dimensional energies and elevate the human experience, catalyzing personal and spiritual growth. They are well-known, compelling speakers and teachers in the consciousness movement. Gregory Hoag has been a bestselling author, inventor and researcher of Sacred Geometry and consciousness for more 40 years. Following a major spiritual awakening of kundalini in 1980, he started creating energetic tools through his company Metaforms, providing transformative experiences to foster spiritual evolution and the expansion of Source. He is recognized as one of the leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting intent and clearing emotional and electromagnetic interference. Gail Hoag is an author, accomplished artist, spiritual advisor and businesswoman. Her study of light, color and energy in motion in her paintings, launched a deep understanding for creating transformative fields to expand consciousness.