Alex Fullick

Alex Fullick

Alex Fullick is q globally recognized and award-winning business continuity and resilience professional, having been in the industry for over 26 years. Originally coming from a hospitality background, Alex was helping a friend on a project when he discovered the role that he was assigned was focused on helping people, organizations, and communities, plan for, respond to, and overcome adverse situations. A passion was ignited and he’s had a passion for business continuity and resilience ever since. This passion, and knowing his work greatly benefits people, Alex has been rewarded with being able to present at numerous global conferences, become the author of eight books, become the founder and managing director of StoneRoad, become part owner of the speakers bureau company SpeaknSpark, and in 2017 become the creator and host of the VoiceAmerica Talk Radio show 'Preparing for the Unexpected'.