Jason Shiers

Jason Shiers

Jason Shiers is a Certified Psychotherapist and Transformative Coach who operates within a non-pathologizing framework to help people discover their wellbeing. His journey began with a diagnosis at the age of 10, followed by forced medication for depression. By 13, he was a heroin addict, and by 20, he was in jail due to crime and drug-related offenses. Despite getting clean through a 12-step program, he continued to struggle with process addictions and mental health issues, leading to multiple instances of being sectioned. Initially, Jason sought to help others as a way to heal himself but soon realized he could not effectively aid anyone. This changed dramatically seven years ago when he experienced an awakening that transformed his approach. Now, he uses this experience as the foundation of his work in addiction, trauma, and mental health, guiding others to understand that they are not broken.