Neel  Sus

Neel Sus

Neel Sus core purpose is to provide people with the tools they need to reach their full potential. He serves as the CEO & CPO of Susco, a business software development firm birthed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, enabling people to contribute in more meaningful and fulfilling ways. Susco does this by transforming mid-market enterprises with intuitive software and by contributing to the personal and professional development of their own growing workforce. Susco specializes in Microsoft stack development, mobile workforce apps, and legacy system conversions across industries including insurance, construction, and shipbuilding. He’s engaged in efforts to build the technical, entrepreneurial, and cognitive health of our community members, especially those dealing with undue adversity. He does so via his board memberships with Junior Achievement, the JEDCO Technology Alliance, the GNO Inc Digital Media Alliance, and the Tulane School of Professional Advancement. Via social channels and 1-1 mentoring, he helps his teammates, associates, others to be successful and fulfilled. He and his wife of 17 years are constantly pushing each other to be better people while also creating joy along the way. They are raising 2 wonderful spirited children. He attended Tulane University, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1999. He then served 7 years at Avondale Shipyards, working in project finance for a multi-billion dollar naval project.