Andrew Bridge

Andrew Bridge

Andrew Bridge spent 11 years in Los Angeles County foster care before earning a scholarship to Wesleyan University and graduating from Harvard Law School. He is a Fulbright Fellow and a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Writing Resident. His work has been featured in The NY Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Showtime, The Observer, The CBS Early Show, NBC Nightly News, Time Magazine, PBS, Psychology Today, NPR, and Observer Magazine. His legal career began representing children against the State of Alabama, resulting in the closure of one of the most notorious psychiatric institutions in the country, the Eufaula Adolescent Center. After that, he returned home to Los Angeles as CEO of The Alliance for Children’s Rights, defending children at MacLaren Hall, where he was once confined. He won the right for every foster child to speak with their social worker at least once a month.