Harriet Stein

Harriet Stein

Harriet Stein, author of Perfect Attendance: Being Present for Life, has spent her career working with organizations and their most valuable resource – their people. She began her career as a Registered Nurse and, while working at Johnson & Johnson, taught over 5,000 employees and leaders how to decrease their stress and increase their performance. Injecting humor and science into her engaging programs, Harriet shows companies of all sizes how leading with awareness strengthens organizations and creates healthy working environments. Her company is Big Toe in the Water, LLC. Why did she choose this name? It represents giving something new, something perhaps a bit intimidating, a try. It represents the first little step, but arguably the most crucial step, to incorporate a new practice into your everyday life. In 2020, as the world went into lockdown, Harriet created Take a Pause. This global mindfulness training program won first place in Impact on the Organization and second place in Innovation and Creativity at Sindusfarma's Boomerang Awards, which recognize the best-in-class training and development programs in the pharmaceutical industry in Brazil. Harriet's approach is instrumental for professionals seeking to cultivate robust, mindful workplaces. https://www.facebook.com/BigToeInTheWater/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/harriet-stein/ harriet@harrietstein.com