Tim Daniels

Tim Daniels

Tim Daniels is a Wellness Plan Manager, dedicated to helping individuals live better, healthier lives and thrive physically well into their later years. He customizes wellness plans to each person's unique needs that include but not limited to non-pharmaceutical pain management, stress mastering, age-adjusted exercise, quality sleep, mental well-being, nutrition, social activities, and a healthy home. His diverse background in collegiate wrestling, Chinese internal martial arts, strength training, operating as corporate executive in demanding situations, and running an in-home care agency for over 7.5 years equips him to craft effective wellness strategies. Tim also partners with health and wellness providers to enhance client outcomes while increasing their profitability. He offers scientifically-sound, FDA-cleared Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) solutions that are natural, non-invasive, and free from side effects. His expertise in sales, business development, relationship management, project management, and consulting is supported by a BA in Economics from Stanford University and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. This blend of academic and practical experience uniquely positions Tim to assist health and wellness providers in achieving superior patient outcomes and business growth.