Tamika Price

Tamika Price

Before switching to a plant-based diet, Tamika suffered from asthma and battled sinus infections. After much frustration with over the counter medications, doctor visits and watching the What The Health documentary, Tamika decided to try a plant-based diet for 30 days. Within two weeks all her symptoms were gone and she was able to ditch her inhaler once and for all. Tamika launched her blog, Plant-based Tamika and social media platforms (@plantbasedTamika IG) to share her journey with embracing a vegan lifestyle and sharing colorful, comforting and cruelty-free plant-based eats. Tamika is also an award-winning fashion entrepreneur, author and TV personality as seen on WGN News, The Rachael Ray Show, American Express’ Small Business Saturday Commercials and much more, for over a decade. From dressing celebrities, to opening her storefronts, Standout Style Boutique, Tamika now operates her boutique exclusively online, allowing her to be a caregiver to her Mom and pursue a career in television full time. Tamika’s mission is to spread joy and inspire healing from the inside out. Learn more about Tamika at www.plantbasedtamika.com.