Dennis Gray

Dennis Gray

Dennis Gray is a videographer, photographer and poet. He published his first book of poetry "An Apology to a Fish" in 1978 before starting a forty-year career in video production. In March of 2020 COVID shut down his business, and in February of 2021 he started writing again just to have something to stimulate his mind. In 2022 Dennis published "Backroad Ramblings Wayfarers Verse" with Amy Hadley, a collection of photos and Poems. Being the youngest of 13 children and the only left-hander gave him plenty of material to work with, and never taking himself too seriously. Coming from a big family he learned to have a good sense of humor and to be a knowledgeable observer. Other's mistakes taught him well. He learned to share and to love the simple things life has to offer. He used his Attention Deficit to his advantage by training himself to work on multiple projects at the same time which he still employs today. Dennis will introduce Cadbury Steele and his friend Dornette.