Dr. Shawn Moore

Dr. Shawn Moore

Dr. Shawn Moore is the Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Eckberg Lammers, P.C. With over 20 years of professional experience in the field of Cultural Competency, Conflict Resolution, and Community Engagement. He holds a Doctorate in Ministry and Reconciliation from United Theological Seminary, master’s degree in Global and Contextual Studies from Bethel University, Bachelor of Ministries from Northwestern University, associate’s degree in law enforcement, and is in his third year of completing his Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. Throughout his work experience Shawn has been tasked with the responsibility to teach and conduct cross-cultural, conflict resolution, and community engagement workshops and training. Including, being the community liaison in the Mounds View School District, a community and cultural coordinator for North St. Paul School District, coordinating the Scholars Program at Century College, and Director of Community Engagement and Service Learning at Bethel University. Shawn is currently a professor at Bethel University and a Mental Health professional at Life Development Resources. Shawn also gained experience from his time in the Navy that brought him to Guam for four years, as well as, spent significant time in Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Australia, and South Africa. It was in South Africa that he conducted his research for his Master’s thesis and Doctoral Dissertation.