Suzan Owens

Suzan Owens

Suzan Owens is an established Numerologist, Psychic Medium and author of award-winning, “Wisdom of Numerology”. Decades of studying Numerology charts and readings for clients led to her writing this practical and useful book. She was fascinated with the synchronicity, guidance and growth this study offered. Suzan helps her clients live rewarding and fulfilling lives. She has worked and lived in numerous places around the world, and has traveled independently through Africa, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and both North and South America. She posts her travel adventures on her website,, including, “I Left My Underpants on The Nile.” She is a contributing writer to Sedona Journal of Emergence publication and has been interviewed on Elias Patras Live and numerous podcasts. Suzan believes Numerology has helped her in her quest to live her best life and follow her destiny. Read more insights into numerology at