Kenny Lerner

Kenny Lerner

Kenny Lerner is a professor of history at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is also the hearing member of an ASL poetry duo called Flying Words Project along with his Deaf signing partner, Peter Cook. The goal of Flying Words is probably the same as all other poets, to play with language. As luck would have it, ASL is a language of moving pictures. So, Kenny and Peter juxtapose imagery you can see in creating their work. In a sense, Peter is like a three-dimensional living movie while Kenny's voice is the soundtrack that allows the hearing audience to see and understand the images. Much of their work focuses on social issues often combined with the beauty of the world around us. Of course, Kenny's understanding of history has always been integrated into their pieces. Kenny has been featured at the Poetry Days Festival (Dzejas Dienas,) in Latvia, the Annikki Poetry Festival, Tampere, Finland, The Whitney Museum in NYC, and many places in between. Kenny can be reached at: "Charlie" Many other Flying Words poems: