Anthony Bellotti

Anthony Bellotti

Anthony Bellotti is the President and Founder of White Coat Waste (WCW)—a bipartisan campaign to expose and close the U.S. government’s $20 billion animal testing business. Bellotti was inspired to end animal testing following a high school internship in a taxpayer-funded laboratory. Under Bellotti’s leadership, WCW has rescued, saved, and spared 29,000 lives, cut $99 million in wasteful government spending, and shut down over 114 animal labs and experiments. Their strategy? Stop the Money. Stop the Madness! Bellotti led WCW to close the nation’s largest federal cat laboratory—USDA’s “Kitten Slaughterhouse”—and Bellotti personally adopted two of the cat survivors. WCW slashed FDA’s monkey testing by 63% and closed its top primate lab. WCW ended experimentation on dogs at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs—the first time in American history that dog testing was shuttered across a federal agency. WCW also won the first-ever federal policies to retire and release survivors from U.S. government labs. WCW is the nonprofit government watchdog that exposed and stopped Dr. Fauci’s beagle tests and first uncovered NIH funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Pulitzer Prize winner Glenn Greenwald says: “More than any other group, it is WCW that has elevated the cause of stopping these horrific government experimentations on dogs and puppies into the mainstream political conversation.”