Dr. Steve Hunt

Dr. Steve Hunt

Dr. Steve Hunt is a Techno-Psychologist and the founder of i3Talent LLC. Steve’s father Earl Hunt was a mathematical psychologist who designed some of the first AI algorithms in the 1960s. In 1975 he published a book titled “Artificial Intelligence” where he noted the primary thing limiting natural language processing was access to sufficient data and computer processing speed. And that eventually these would be overcome. He predicted the LLM revolution 50 years before it happened. Steve, as a math undergraduate, programmed neural network models in the ‘80s. In grad school in the ‘90s, he used Machine Learning (ML) to predict employee performance. In 2005, he helped build an ML staffing system that processed over 50 million candidates. Steve’s career has focused on blending AI and other technologies with psychological science to improve work. Steve notes, “Where we are now is just another step in a journey I’ve been on my whole life. That's how I became a techno-psychologist.”