Rodney Scott

Rodney Scott

Prior to joining the Texas Public Policy Foundation in the fall of 2021, Rodney Scott served as the 24th Chief of the United States Border Patrol. During his three-decade career in the Border Patrol, under both Republican and Democrat administrations, Scott earned the respect and admiration of agents, colleagues and partners alike while working to successfully enforce our nation’s laws and secure our borders. In a tribute to his leadership and integrity, former Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan called Scott “the absolute embodiment of the U.S. Border Patrol’s motto, ‘Honor First.’” In addition to serving as Chief of the nation’s 21,000 Border Patrol agents, Scott’s past assignments included serving as Chief Patrol Agent of the El Centro (California) Sector, Assistant Chief in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Anti-Terrorism and Director of the Incident Management and Operations Coordination Division at CBP Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Throughout his career in federal law enforcement, Scott was not a political appointee but a career public servant, belonging since 2012 to the federal government’s Senior Executive Service. Within the context of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Immigration campaign and in his capacity as Senior Distinguished Fellow for Border Security, Rodney Scott provides America’s leading state-based think tank with analysis and recommendations on both federal, state and local border security efforts.