Julia Schmidt

Julia Schmidt

Julia is a Transformative Life Coach & Certified Qigong Practitioner. She grew up in South Africa, and after getting her degree she went to Germany. She did her graduate studies in Teaching English as a Second Language and founded her own business, with the focus to teach and coach adults to achieve success at work using English interculturally. She married, had two children and lived there for 23 years. They came to live in the USA to be with family just eight years ago. Having experienced illness and very difficult times, she transformed her own life with the power of a positive approach based on the teachings of Michael Singer and Eckhart Tolle. During this time she also found Qigong and realized the enormous power of this ancient and beautiful practice to not only physically heal, but to gain peace & happiness emotionally and spiritually as well. After gaining experience and a certification to teach Qigong, she founded her own online business to do what she does best: teach. She now loves bringing people from all over the world together in her online Qigong classes. In addition to leading them through beautiful meditative movements, she also provides them with deep insights on how they can use their energy to positively affect and change their lives. One of the things she loves most is the community that builds in these classes, connecting people through the power of Qigong and shared experiences.