Melinda Blau
Melinda Blau, author of more than four hundred articles and fifteen books, has spent a lifetime researching and writing about the importance of relationships. Our more intimate bonds are covered in her New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, its two sequels, and Family Whispering, the book that inspired Blau’s Huffington Post advice column. Blau has been interviewed numerous times on NPR and has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, CBS news, the Hallmark Channel, and dozens of other talk shows and podcasts. She has also won multiple awards and commendations for her writing, including those from The American Society of Journalists (Author of the Year), the Jewish Book Council, the Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, the American Psychological Association, Children's Rights Council, and American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology. Her ongoing podcast, Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age is dedicated to changing the conversation about getting older. She lives in Paris and New York City. For more information,