Angela M Peabody

Angela M Peabody

Angela Peabody is the founder and Executive Director of the Global Woman® P.E.A.C.E. Foundation (GWPF), a nonprofit focused on ending gender-based violence and empowering women and girls through education. A survivor of a violent coup in Liberia, Angela fled to the U.S., where she transitioned from a successful career in journalism and international transportation to become a leading advocate against female genital mutilation (FGM). She is a published author and highly sought-after speaker on women's empowerment. Under her leadership, GWPF has made significant strides, including organizing the first Walk to End FGM in the U.S., securing legislation to criminalize FGM in Virginia, and advocating for FGM education in Virginia schools. Angela also trains law enforcement and school personnel on FGM and supports survivors through specialized workshops.