Dr. Matthias Ballweg

Dr. Matthias Ballweg

Dr. Matthias Ballweg is Co-Founder of CIRCULAR REPUBLIC at UnternehmerTUM. He works with board members, executives, and founders driving cross-company projects to close the loop in targeted value streams such as batteries and vehicles, electronics and ICT, textiles or packaging. Previously, Matthias was co-leader of the global Circular Economy Platform at the Sustainability company Systemiq. There, he initiated and led large coalitions like the ‘Circular Car Initiative’ with the World Economic Forum. He co-authored several reports on Circular Economy, e.g. together with the Club of Rome or the UN’s International Resource Panel. Before that Matthias served for as Vice President Strategy at MAN Truck & Bus and before that at McKinsey. Matthias holds a PhD in behavioral psychology about dominance behavior in leadership teams and is founder of a learning technology start-up. He is serving as chairman at Alpenverein Oberland, one of the largest sports clubs on earth.