Dr. Martin Rüttgers

Dr. Martin Rüttgers

Dr. Martin Rüttgers is leading the Business Development activities of Circular Economy within the BMW Group and has implemented several Closed Loops. In the past, he has worked in various industries and dealt with overarching questions about the sustainable orientation of businesses. For example, as part of the DESERTEC project, he worked on the generation of electrical power from solar power in North Africa and its transport to Europe. Martin Rüttgers began his professional career in the 1990s as a theoretical Physicist and Engineer at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley (US). There, as an AI-Innovator, he developed one of the first self-learning algorithms that can be used to optimize complex dynamic systems in ecology and industry and predict their development. Martin has lived and worked in Germany, the US, China and is an active speaker in the field of “Intergenerational Collaboration.”