Andrew Kreig
Andrew Kreig is a Washington, DC-based commentator, editor, author and civil rights advocate. An attorney and non-profit executive in the communications sector for more than three decades, he edits the non-partisan Justice Integrity Project that publishes under-reported news and commentary. He is active with civic organizations that are focused on U.S. domestic and global affairs, and he consults with authors and film makers on their media projects. As a Hartford Courant newspaper reporter, he covered a wide range of stories. His work has included services as president/CEO of the Wireless Communications Association between 1996 and 2008. Author of three books, he has appeared on more than 200 broadcast interviews. The Chicago native reared in Manhattan earned law degrees from Yale Law School and the University of Chicago School of Law, and a B.A. in history from Cornell University. A lecturer on five continents about media, he is an active member of many professional groups.