Boyd Kynard
Boyd Kynard was born in Mississippi, MS from MS State and PhD in Fisheries UW, Seattle, where he studied three-spine sticklebacks; Studied desert pupfish in AZ and Mexico; Started the fisheries program at the UA, Tucson. In 1978 moved to U Mass Amherst; Studies migratory fish life history and fish passage in the CT and Merrimack Rivers, focus on American shad and shortnose sturgeon. Efforts to build a research lab for migratory fish on the CT resulted in the Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center. He has studied all species in North America & 4 foreign species: 3 Asia, 1Russia. He assisted with research on migratory fish and fish passage at hydroelectric dams in big rivers in China (Yangtze R), Brazil (Sao Francisco & Madeira R, a headwater trib. Amazon) & Danube R in Romania. Assisted the 3 countries to build migratory fish laboratories. Retired from the USDept of Interior (USGS) in 2007 and has a private business, BK-Riverfish.