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Breast Friends Cancer Support Network

Breast Friends Cancer Support Network

Wednesday at 9 AM Pacific

October 16th 2019: Journaling as a Tool for Growth

Join us as our guest, Marni Amsellem, PhD, Provides an introduction to journaling as a tool to help you reflect upon, learn from, or record your cancer or survivorship journey. We will discuss some well-established benefits of journaling, as well as how to start and how to create a journaling practice. Marni has been a guest on our show twice before.


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Wednesday at 9 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel
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Featured Guest

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Marni Amsellem, Ph.D

Marni Amsellem, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice and an author. Her area of specialty includes supporting individuals and caregivers affected by cancer, Dr. Amsellem's broader practice as a health psychologist affiliated with a medical center includes working with individuals and groups who are adjusting to transition, medical diagnoses or health-related challenges, and/ or are looking to build their coping skills and resilience.
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