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November 4th 2021: Enterprise Design: The Missing Link in Strategy Execution

Enterprise design is the collaborative practice of designing and creating better enterprises. Enterprise design envisions perspectives on how an organization can and should evolve, addressing relevant aspects of user, customer, product, and organizational design elements. The discipline incorporates design thinking from an enterprise perspective; but where do strategy execution and design intersect? Fundamentally, strategy execution seeks to deliver on a business vision, goals, and objectives, which ideally are influenced by design thinking and practices. Even more critical, however, is the ab

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Milan Guenther

Milan Guenther is president of Intersection Group, a not-for-profit association dedicated to help people create better enterprises by providing a toolkit, global community, and learning offerings. Milan applied their approach to enterprise design at organizations that included SAP, Toyota, Boeing, Deutsche Telekom, and the United Nations. He is the author of the first book on Enterprise Design, “Intersection: How Enterprise Design Bridges the Gap Between Business, Technology and People”, and coauthor of “Enterprise Design Patterns”. In 2009, Milan co-founded the European consultancy network Enterprise Design Associates. Working with Google Launchpad, he was an early mentor to ambitious start
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