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Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation

Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation

Archives Available

January 5th 2011: Nonviolent Communication, Dissolving Separation and Giving Birth to a New World

There is no doubt that we are at an evolutionary threshold ... a time where the divide between science and spirituality is rapidly dissolving ... a time where we are waking up to the highly active role we play in a cause and effect world. And yet, despite our growing awareness, language itself and its direct impact on shaping our reality and relationships, receives sparse attention. Because it is acquired so early and we are therefore fused with it, our every day usage escapes scrutiny as a significant contributor to much of the conflict we face. It is rare in fact in situational conflict for

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Rachelle Lamb

Author, workshop presenter, and communication coach Rachelle Lamb specializes in conflict resolution and breakthrough conversations.
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