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Data Security and Privacy with the Privacy Professor

Data Security and Privacy with the Privacy Professor

New shows the first Saturday of each month at 8 AM Pacific

October 2nd 2021: Software Development Security Practices Suck! Wise Up Now!

Why do so many business leaders insist on using unsecure systems and software development practices? Often to skimp on IT budgets and to race to production. Or leaders with marketing expertise, but no actual tech understanding, make bad decisions to align with their sales tactics and marketing messages. Or, for other reasons. But with demonstrably ongoing damaging consequences. In this episode we speak about the critical need for secure software engineering, development and testing, and the need to follow stringent, secure software development practices to stem the consistently increasing digi

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Featured Guest

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Dr. Rhonda Farrell

Dr. Rhonda Farrell is the Founder of CSTGIA, a partnership of 50+ organizations providing cybersecurity awareness, education, apprenticeships, and elevation opportunities for girls, youth, women, and veterans. She is also the Chair of the ASQ Innovation TC and she co-founded the ISSA Women in Security Group to build community and offer recognition and advancement opportunities for the myriad of women SMEs and leaders internationally. Dr. Rhonda Farrell is active in Cyber and Privacy working groups and has contributed to the DoD CIO body of knowledge on Digital Modernization, Cloud Strategy, and the DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design, as well as being a contributing author for Women i
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Share Email Share this E-mail Data Security and Privacy with the Privacy Professor Why do so many business leaders insist on using unsecure systems and software development practices? Often to skimp on IT budgets and to race to production. Or leaders with marketing expertise, but no actual tech understanding, make bad decisions to align with their sales tactics and marketing messages. Or, for other reasons. But with demonstrably ongoing damaging consequences. In this episode we speak about the critical need for secure software engineering, development and testing, and the need to follow stringent, secure software development practices to stem the consistently increasing digital hemorrhaging of security incidents and privacy breaches. Listen to this episode to learn the importance of building security into the full software and systems development lifecycle from Dr. Rhonda Farrell. Dr. Farrell is a worldwide recognized cybersecurity expert and instructor, with multiple cybersecurity and privacy certifications, including those in software security development. Learn actions that need to be taken to improve the current inadequate state of systems and software development and maintenance security practices. Also hear the need to engage pre-school through secondary and post-graduation education students about the absolute need to build secure technology, and how to do so. Dr. Farrell will also provide information about the Cyber & STEAM Global Innovation Alliance (CSTGIA) she founded, CSTGIA goals, the resources it provides, and describe how everyone can get involved. See more about Dr. Rhonda Farrell in the bio posted with this episode description on this VoiceAmerica show site. #Cybersecurity, #RiskManagement, #RhondaFarrell #SSDF, #SoftwareSecurity, #SystemsSecurity, #ApplicationsSecurity, #SDLC, #WomenInTech VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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