Releasing Anxiety with Therapist and Author Faust Ruggiero, M.S.

January 25, 2023
Hosted by Angela Zabel

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Episode Description

Have you struggled with Anxiety? Are you looking for easy to understand ways to work through your anxiety? Has anxiety stopped or held you back from moving forward? Are you ready for a new path to freedom from your anxiety? Are you ready to dive in to understand anxiety at core levels? Discover easy, down to earth methods to move you through anxiety. Faust is an author that has been working for over 40 years to improve on existing methods with cutting edge programs to improve your personal life. As a therapist he has worked with deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, major corporations, both national and international, and as the President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. Faust is also a fan of the baseball team the Philadelphia Phillies and Elephants, who hold so much knowledge within them. Join Faust Ruggiero, M.S. and Angela Zabel for an open, enlightening, conversation as we discuss anxiety and you. Check out more information on Faust Ruggiero, M.S, and sign up for his The Fix Yourself Power Zone Newsletter on his website With a professional career as an author, clinical trainer, researcher and therapist for almost 40 years Faust Ruggiero’s mission is to help people connect with the power they already have inside them. Establishing cutting-edge counseling programs, published research author, clinical trainer and a therapist who has worked in clinics for abused women, prisons, clinics for deaf children, inpatient facilities, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, businesses and major corporations, and inpatient facilities. He continues to provide counseling services for veterans, first responders, law enforcement and other emergency personnel, and businesses and corporations, nationally, and internationally. President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania, Developed the Process Way of Life counseling program, created The Fix Yourself Handbook released in 2019. Received the Gold Award from Literary Titan, the Silver Award from The Nonfiction Authors Association, and the Bronze Award from Reader’s Favorite. It is available in paperback, as an e-Book, and an audio book. Author of The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook, part of The Fix Yourself empowerment series, along with The Fix Yourself Handbook, which presents the Process Way of Life, an approach that is the culmination of over twenty years of research, program development, and counseling application. It has helped to change the lives of over two-thousand clients in his private practice. One of the most straightforward, and easy to apply self-help books. The Process Way of Life has helped thousands to live happier, and healthier lives. The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook with the publication date plan for fall/winter 2022.

Amazing Soul

Wednesday at 3 PM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Angela is a Medium working with a Team on the other side in the non- physical. Help her bring clarity and understanding to both worlds, this world and Theirs.

Angela Zabel

Angela has been working with Spirit her entire life. Her earliest memories are of people that passed unknown to her, playing cards in her room. My fear of those in Spirit turned to understanding with Their patient teaching. I work intimately with those on the other side who I am honored to call my Team. The messages of those in Spirit have been so impactful for myself and others. As we bridge the physical and non physical the multi dimensional communication continues. Working with integrity, compassion and humor with individual mediumship and guidance readings, gallery reader, speaker, retreats, teacher, mentor, columnist, expo and radio talk show host. You can find more information on my various social media sites and my website

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Episode Directory

January 2023

  • 1/25/2023: Releasing Anxiety with Therapist and Author Faust Ruggiero, M.S. Listen Now
  • 1/18/2023: Animal Communication, the Akashic and beyond with Lisa Reining Listen Now
  • 1/11/2023: Duo Connection with Mediums Anita McMillen and Elizabeth Robidoux Listen Now
  • 1/4/2023: Carla Fox Setting Your Energetic Template for 2023 Listen Now

December 2022

November 2022

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