Resolution Solutions: Achieve Your Healthiest Self

January 22, 2018
Hosted by Melissa Alexander

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Episode Description

Confused about what fitness strategy is right for you? Ready to turn a temporary resolution into a permanent solution? You can move past intimidation and achieve your healthiest self. Listen to Galen Holmes, BS, CSCS, also the General Manager of The Campus Fitness Center, to gain valuable insight on how to customize your own fitness plan. Simplify and sort through all the health and fitness information out there to target what is right for you and achieve your goals!

Insight: Living with Vitality

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Go behind the scenes and dive into the reality of what it takes to transform your own health, transform the world around you, and what it takes for practitioners to transform others.

From a clinical integrative perspective, you will hear interviews with experts, practitioners, teachers, doctors, psychologists, scientists, product specialists and clients. Listen to a variety of personalities, types of lifestyles, and educational backgrounds. They will all be connected with the common goal: Providing Insight, transforming lives, and attaining vitality.

Common topics discussed include the Lymphatic System: What it is and what it does, the science behind the immune system, groundbreaking discoveries, how to recognize a toxic system, do self-assessments, switch your mindset, go from denial to acceptance to success, what can be done to empty that “trash can” of buildup, what to expect while toxins release, and blockages: Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual.

Melissa Alexander

Melissa Alexander is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and the founder of Roots 2 Wings Transformations, where she offers unique tools to bring harmony to your body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Since she was four years old, Melissa had accepted pain and sickness as part of her day to day reality. “I had been in a constant state of difficulty. It was a downward spiral of domino effects pushing me deeper and deeper into a place I didn’t want to be,” recalls Melissa. “I dug myself out of that. Now I have a quality of life I never knew existed. I went from being disempowered to being empowered to make my own choices and take control of my journey.”

Melissa’s transformation began when she became certified in lymphatic system cleansing. Melissa employs the technique by applying comfortable pressure to your skin to move lymphatic fluid through your valves and into your lymph nodes to stimulate your body's immune system.

“My lymphatic system had been clogged. I had over 30 years of old trash backed up,” recalls Melissa. “Once I began cleaning that system, my body began to heal itself. That's where I am today, with the health and vitality I desire.”

Melissa offers the same passion of her own transformation to her clients. “After going through what I went through, I acquired the tools, resources and the ability to help others transform their own lives and achieve sustainable health,” says Melissa. "Together we share in transformations!”

Episode Directory

January 2018

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