The Water In You

February 13, 2018
Hosted by Marja

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Episode Description

Our bodies are 70.2% water. With this knowledge, what does this make possible? Dr. Emoto did some fascinating studies on the possibilities of how we affect water by the words that we use. Join us for an exploration of the possibilities we can create by applying this information to ourselves and the water we drink.

Rediscovering the Magic of Being

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Rediscovering the Magic of Being is an exploration of where we have cut off pieces of ourselves to fit into others’ projections of who we should be in our lives, and how to use various pragmatic tools to restore and build on who we really are. We all have gifts and capacities, however, we sometimes do not recognize them as we are busy living our lives based on what others have told us we are. Each week we will explore possibilities for honoring our gifts and releasing old ways of being. Rediscovering the Magic of Being is broadcast live every Tuesday at 7 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


Marja believes that one always has choices he or she makes in their life that creates their life. She tapped into her healing and intuitive abilities as she stepped out of the life that she had previously settled for. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Psychology. She became a practitioner of Reconnective Healing (r) in 2002. She studied Resonance Repatterning (r) in 2004 and is now a certified practitioner. She became a certified Access Consciousness (r) Bars Practitioner, then an Access Consciousness (r) Bars Facilitator in 2015. Employing the techniques she has studied, along with her intuitive gifts, she assists people to clearly see solutions for life questions and to enable them to shift their energy to be more fully empowered.

Episode Directory

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

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