Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Biggest Secret in Women's Health

March 21, 2018
Hosted by Lorraine Giordano

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Episode Description

Sherrie Palm, a champion for women's pelvic health, joins The Womb Happy Hour to talk about Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition estimated to impact 50% of women, yet remains shrouded in silence despite nearly 4000 years on medical record. POP causes physical, emotional, social, sexual, fitness, and employment quality of life impact, women from late teens through end of life suffer in silence with symptoms they don't understand, including incontinence, constipation, vaginal pressure, tissue bulge, or painful intimacy. Two of the most significant female life experiences, childbirth and menopause, are the leading causes, along with multiple other causes compounding risk of experiencing pelvic organ prolapse, yet no screening occurs during routine pelvic exams. Sherrie Palm will clarify what the condition is, how it impacts women, and what you can do clarify if your symptoms may indicate you are experiencing this common, closeted women's health disorder.

The Womb Happy Hour

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

The Womb Happy Hour is a fun and insightful show that shares ideas for women to feel inspired to create a stronger connection to their creative womb and other vital organs down there. When’s the last time you considered your womb area, or pelvic bowl, a second skull holding valuable information and wisdom?

Whether you want to create a baby, enhance a relationship, or advance in your career learn to connect more and tap into your feminine energy center to give birth to what your heart desires. Even if you and your down there aren’t in perfect sync why not spend a happy hour to appreciate just how powerful your body is, learn easy tips to improve that bond and hear how your down there health connects to other areas of your overall well-being.

Each show will focus on a juicy topic, simple tips will be exchanged and guests will share valuable personal experiences and nuggets of womb wisdom to help improve and empower your health and well-being.

Lorraine Giordano

Lorraine Giordano is an intuitive energy healer and is passionate about sharing ways for women to connect to their own healing and creative energy, and highlighting opportunities to bridge the gap from disease to finding their personal healthy way in their daily life. She previously worked in the financial industry developing financial software products and experienced many health challenges over two decades.

Due to the threat of losing her uterus in 2008, she realized how much she didn’t know about her body, especially her female reproductive organs. Not willing to give up her uterus, she put Operation Save Uterus into action and learned how to reclaim her health. As a holistic energy healer, with her uterus intact, she now helps women connect to their own healing ability and understand the importance and power of down there.

Lorraine is an Usui Reiki Master and certified in Quantum Energy Transformation, Quantum Touch and Integrated Energy Therapy. Lorraine won the Best of Award 2015 by Thumbtack for Reiki Masters in NYC and in 2013 and 2016 she won a bronze Stevie Award for Women Helping Women. Her Inspired To Health newsletter has won the Constant Contact All-Star Award the past two years. She blogs about ways to enhance feminine energy and has contributed to the Huffington Post and is currently writing her memoir on her unique healing journey.

Episode Directory

April 2018

March 2018

  • 3/28/2018: How to Fire Your Inner Critic and Bee Healing Listen Now
  • 3/21/2018: Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Biggest Secret in Women's Health Listen Now
  • 3/14/2018: Boober: Connecting New Parents to Expert Lactation Professionals Listen Now
  • 3/7/2018: Creating a Healthy, Sexy Thyroid Life Listen Now

February 2018

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