The impact of the digital revolution on the insurance, investing

October 22, 2018
Hosted by Dave Gerber

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Episode Description

The Insurance, Investment and Retail Industries have been a part of the digital movement and have deployed resources to stay ahead of the game starting decades ago. Our guest will share his knowledge and historical context of where we were and are going in the insurance, investing and retail industries. We can hear what someone with decades of experiences wants business leaders, professionals and people to know, now. Robert Sherretta started his career on Wall Street more than thirty years ago as an analyst for the FINANCIAL ANALYSTS FEDERATION and worked as a Registered Investment Advisor and an international research director for several of the world's largest banking and investment institutions. Robert also launched the television program, "INTERNATIONAL INVESTOR", which examines Global Economic Development. He is a Board Director of the NATIONAL ECONOMISTS CLUB and several other profit and non-profit organizations.

Preparing for Robots!

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Preparing for Robots examines the effect of all things digital on humans! Leaders looking for efficiency and cost-savings must remember to address the wide-ranging impact on employees as this new digital age offers explosive growth, change and expansion into the workplace. The subject has gotten very technical and in doing so, many business leaders and professionals have stopped paying attention. It doesn’t have to be this way.

With robots, AI and other tech quietly threatening human jobs as much as providing new and exciting advances, employees need to be better prepared to demonstrate real value far into the future. Leaders and professionals from all industries can join this conversation and learn as we simplify the complex subjects that everyone needs to know about. Leadership and conflict expert, Dave Gerber, interviews leaders from all different industries who give their voice to what is happening, what we need to know now and how to maximize human performance.

Dave Gerber

Dave Gerber, Owner and Founder of Synergy Development and Training, LLC is a change catalyst, motivating professionals to become the best version of themselves and is a conflict expert. He truly enjoys helping leaders create solutions to help organizations generate wellness, save money and generate revenue. Dave’s dynamic, humorous style and remarkable depth and breadth of content has earned him the reputation of “best speaker ever” by many of his audiences. His talent for simplifying complex ideas into elegant solutions, is a gift that leaves participants with actionable learning that they can implement immediately…as he helps us “Prepare for Robots!”

Dave Gerber is more than a dynamic speaker. He is an Executive and Leadership Coach, Learning Expert, Trainer and Author. Dave has presented to more than 10,000 executives, managers and professionals from across the U.S., in various sectors, from extremely large organizations to small companies. He has a proven track record converting his personal experience, organizational best practices and research into conflict lessons that have been shared with employees of all kinds, at every level, in a coaching, training, speaking and consulting capacity. In addition to his organizational leadership and conflict management experience, Dave is a certified, Instructor-Level Black Belt in Krav Maga (self-defense) and is a certified Reiki Master, the art of Japanese energy healing.

Episode Directory

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018

  • 10/29/2018: The Future of Work Listen Now
  • 10/22/2018: The impact of the digital revolution on the insurance, investing Listen Now
  • 10/15/2018: September 11th, 2001: Value Heart in the Digital Revolution Listen Now
  • 10/8/2018: Cyber Security for all businesses, Government Agencies and Higher Listen Now
  • 10/1/2018: Autonomous Vehicles Taken to Our Health Care Solutions Listen Now

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