The Power of CHANGE

January 15, 2019
Hosted by Kathryn Wilking

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Episode Description

Life is all about Change! Our ‘CHANGE EXPERT’ is Jim Britt, Co-founder of the International Change Book Series. From the moment we were born, we learned to walk, grow and progress through life. Many people today are stuck in their jobs, their careers and the future looks bleak. Are you one of those people who are seeking, Where do I go from here? This show is a SPECIAL EVENT! Jim Britt is an internationally recognized leader and highly sought after speaker in the field of peak performance and personal empowerment training. He is author of 13 best-selling books including: Cracking the Rich Code, The Flaw in The Law of Attraction and The Change book series, and more. Jim Britt brings to us a plethora of life skills to share with YOU on the road to Empowerment and Change. Join us for ‘Practical Solutions for Life; The Power of CHANGE’ on Voice America. Discover how you can step into life’s challenges, and then, embrace these changes for a sustainable future.

Practical Solutions for Life

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Practical Solutions for Life is about taking charge and creating solutions to maneuver though life’s challenges. Life is full of changes: from marriage and raising children, getting ahead in a company, or saving for retirement. All require a plan, yet, many people are simply too stressed or uncertain about their future. Feng Shui uncovers the problem areas that can distract us from making good, sound decisions. From Chaos to Prosperity, The Feng Shui principles Kathryn teaches are practical, ethical, and they work!

Each week, Kathryn picks a topic from a major concern in society such as wealth, health or relationships. She’ll feature an invited guest, a short lesson and offer solutions that work; you CAN take charge of your personal journey through life! Let’s get your space working for you.

Kathryn Wilking

Kathryn Wilking loves color! She has decades of experience consulting in the Decorating and Home Improvement industries, including colour therapy, space planning, and Feng Shui. Kathryn brings a full blend of knowledge to all her clients and now, you. She’s a Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, and, can help you move from Chaos to Prosperity!

Kathryn works with Home Owners and Small Businesses to find harmony in each situation; from setting up an office, to finding a compatible partner. Kathryn delivers practical solutions for life’s up and downs. She teaches people to take charge of their day through lively workshops, inspiring talks and through publications; check out her monthly newsletter, “The Art of Balance,” and her book “Practical Feng Shui for the Office.”

Kathryn first pursued Feng Shui in 1998, shortly after a new marriage and having the need to blend two families together. Feng Shui revealed the hidden messages behind colors, shapes and images that could either help or hinder this new life change. She found it to be a tool that enhanced her life with abundance. While embracing Feng Shui in her private life, Kathryn extends these same principles in her business, relationships and finances. She creates a personal profile for each client; relating how to maneuver through life’s challenges with grace and cultivate abundance.

Her message: Life is all about choices; let’s get your space working for you.

Episode Directory

March 2019

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January 2019

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