The show where you Learn to Love & Accept your Body

October 5, 2021
Hosted by Nathalie Botros

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Episode Description

According to some research approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape. Unfortunately, only 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed by Americans in the media. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why can’t we have a body positive image? My guest, Anne Poirier, is one of the leading authorities and experts on “body neutrality’ and holds numerous certifications including: Eating Disorder Specialist, Intuitive Eating counselor, Self-talk Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Life Coach. She is the leader the Body Joyful Revolution Community. A private source of support and encouragement for women of all sizes, shapes, and weights. Her mission is to impact the next generation by saying NO to diets and rejecting society’s thin ideal so we can help reduce body shaming, bullying and weight bias. Anne said yes to join me and talk about her mission and her book “The Body Joyful” coming out today, your turn to say yes and start loving and accepting your body

Say Yes. Be Happy

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This show is all about positivity and saying yes to a bon-vivant and happy lifestyle where you enjoy everything you do. We spend our lives chasing a goal thinking that it will bring us happiness, but once we get it, the pleasure is short term and we go for another high. The goal can be a new job, a new purchase, a partner or even weight loss. It does not matter, because we attach our happiness to that target, and we are never really satisfied.

The Bon-Vivant girl lifestyle helps you to be happy without any condition, and shows you that you can enjoy everything you undertake in life, even a diet or a relationship status. This podcast helps you to find the silver lining in everything, shows that it is never too late to start a new adventure or achieve a goal. Our guests are from different fields to show you the different ways of being happy.

Nathalie Botros

Born in Lebanon, raised in Turkey, educated in Switzerland, Nathalie Botros enjoyed life and a career in Italy before landing in New York City where she lives today. She is a Psychotherapist, a Life and Health Coach, and author, helping you to achieve your goals and find success while enjoying the Bon-Vivant way of life and being happy. Her multicultural background gives her a unique approach to life and to her teaching, coaching and leading in the personal development industry.

Nathalie spent much of her life jumping from city to city, job to job and partner to partner in hopes of finding true happiness, until the day she realized that she was the only one holding the key to her happiness.

“Once you unleash your own true happiness, you become empowered and everything you want is within reach.”

Today Nathalie helps clients FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD to be happy, healthy and successful through her coaching programs, motivational speaking, and publications.

“I might be a Psychotherapist, Life and Health Coach but at the end, I am just your Happiness Fairy busy spreading Happiness Dust on you!”

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