'Becoming Unstuck- Deciphering the Deeper Patterns'

August 3, 2022
Hosted by Dr. Trevor Campbell, MD, CCFP

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While today’s subject is not a conventional choice for Healthscape, there are a good deal of lessons that can be learned from this discussion by those who have chronic diseases and chronic pain as they know better than most, all about feeling stuck. What would it be like if one brought one’s full consciousness and awareness to the table when making decisions.? Do we perhaps sometimes have to break a fixed pattern of behavior or thinking in order to solve a challenging problem and what does it mean to be stuck and arrested in a particular conundrum? Well, the jury is already out on these subjects with regard to chronic pain and disease as we constantly are required to do things that are counter-intuitive to us such as exercise a body part that is painful and socialize when we least feel like doing it. We also know that we can totally change unhelpful thinking patters by reframing situations and questions that in itself can lighten the stress load if not actually help resolve the issue. We call this kind of psychotherapy, CBT. The lesson is that a seemingly intractable problem may more easily be resolved by the ways we present it to others but even more importantly by the way we approach it ourselves. The disclaimer here is, that none of the discussion today should be viewed as therapy, much less as replacement therapy by any particular listener. You have your family physician who best knows your medical history. However, the insights presented remain important as it shows us that we can change certain things when we feel stuck, and this in itself can increase motivation by kindling hope.


Wednesday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

The podcast focuses on health rather than disease. The conversation centers on resilience and epigenetics, the study of how other factors like behaviors and environment can influence gene expression. It also highlights daily healthful behaviors and techniques that may reduce the progression and facilitate recovery from chronic physical and mental diseases including chronic pain, addictions and trauma.

Lastly, it highlights helpful usable technologies as well as education on current trending medical delivery issues such as over-investigation and over-diagnosis. The aim is to encourage and educate you to take a more active and holistic approach to your own wellbeing.

Healthscape can be heard Wednesdays at 12 Noon Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.

Dr. Trevor Campbell, MD, CCFP

Dr. Trevor Campbell has been a family physician for 40 years. His work has included occupational and disability medicine and chronic pain management, where his expertise is now focused on the bio-psychosocial treatments for pain, (which deals with the psychological and social issues along with the medical). Originally from South Africa where he was educated, he has been working in Canada since 1996. He is the author of The Language of Pain, a self-help book for those with chronic pain and their caregivers, as well as an online course of the same name. He is (also) an avid hiker, cyclist and reader.

Episode Directory

October 2022

September 2022

August 2022

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  • 8/17/2022: Encore The Science and Practice of Heart-Brain Coherence Listen Now
  • 8/10/2022: Menopause Listen Now
  • 8/3/2022: "Becoming Unstuck- Deciphering the Deeper Patterns" Listen Now

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