Finding Wellness in the Wilderness on the Trans-Catalina Trail

December 27, 2022
Hosted by Sydney WIlliams

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Episode Description

After four interviews with legendary athletes in long distance hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and surfing, let's bring it back down for a bit. You don't have to hike thousands of miles or surf the waves far and wide to experience the healing power of nature. In fact, when we say "wilderness" - you get to define that for yourself - if you grew up in a concrete jungle, your version of wilderness might be a city park you've never been to. If you grew up in a rural or remote environment, the wilderness might be all you know. In this episode, Sydney shares about how hiking the Trans-Catalina Trail changed everything for her, how Hiking My Feelings and this show came to be, and how you can find your version of Wellness in the Wilderness in 2023 and beyond.

Wellness in the Wilderness

Tuesday at 1 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Did you know that the average American spends 90% of their lives indoors? It's tragic and it's true - we have lost our connection to the wilderness from which we came, and it is impacting every aspect of the human experience. If you're ready to slow down and take a cue from nature to help you bring your best self to life, love, and work - welcome to Wellness in the Wilderness, we're glad you're here! Join Hiking My Feelings founder + CEO Sydney Williams and her guests as they explore how creativity, connection, and community are amplified by time spent outside. Through shared story and self-reflection, we can gain tremendous insights and inspiration from our journey on the Trail of Life. Tune in each Tuesday at 1pm PT to feel a little less alone in this world, and understand how the outer wilderness influences our inner wilderness to support optimal wellness of the mind, body, and spirit.

Sydney WIlliams

When former collegiate athlete and competitive skydiver, Sydney Williams, unexpectedly found herself on the receiving end of a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis while grappling with unresolved trauma from a decades-old sexual assault, she set out on a mission: turn her pain into power. Two hikes across Catalina Island and 80 miles later, she founded Hiking My Feelings to help others tap into the mind-body connection and healing power of nature that helped kick her self-limiting beliefs and disease into remission. Over the years, she’s been featured on the SXSW stage, as well as in Health Magazine, Diabetic Living Magazine, Psychology Today, US News & World Report, and numerous other publications. Today, she is the author of Hiking My Feelings: Stepping into the Healing Power of Nature, host of Wellness in the Wilderness on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment channel, a certified Wilderness First Responder, instructor at the Desert Institute at Joshua Tree National Park, and travels across the country empowering others to summit their personal mountains on their way to becoming Well Beings.

Episode Directory

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

  • 12/27/2022: Finding Wellness in the Wilderness on the Trans-Catalina Trail Listen Now
  • 12/20/2022: Diving Deeper into Self-Love, Sea-Love, and SurfSisterhood Listen Now
  • 12/13/2022: Making History While Returning to Self with Arlette Laan Listen Now
  • 12/6/2022: When a "Phase" Turns into a Career + Community with Anna Levesque Listen Now

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