Saudi Arabia Will Not Renew the Petrodollar Agreement. How This Will Affect the US Economy.

June 19, 2024
Hosted by Ferenc Toth

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Episode Description

In the 1970's, Saudi Arabia agreed to sell their oil exclusively in US currency. In return, the US agreed to protect Saudi Arabia. Recently, Saudi Arabia has decided to not renew the agreement. They will sell their oil in multiple currencies. This is a seismic event economically. It will have massive affects in the short and long-term. This agreement solidified the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Any country or company that bought oil from Saudi Arabia had to use US dollars. Also, about 80% of world trade is transacted in US currency. This has created a strong demand for US dollars worldwide. For example, it is estimated there are more $100 bills in Russia than the US because of the need to use US currency to purchase oil or trade internationally. The US government has been able to easily sell bonds due to the global reserve currency status. Due to the perceived safety, the interest rates offered on US bonds were lower than bonds from other countries. This has had the affect of keeping interest rates lower in the US. The reduced demand for US dollars will likely have the following economic effects: Interest rates will higher on average in the future than the past 50 years. Goods produced outside the US will cost more. This will increase inflation. The US will have less influence geopolitically due to the weakened reserve currency status. Protect your money. Diversify your portfolio. This is particularly important with increased uncertainty. Reduce market risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities. This is the best time to invest in annuities and high cash value insurance in 40+ years. Fixed interest assets are expected to increase for the next 5 -10 years due to higher for longer interest rates. Until the federal government starts spending less than it receives to start paying down the debt, the upward pressure on bond interest rates will continue. Vanguard and others have recently predicted bond interest rates will increase over the next 5-10 years. The federal government fiscal irresponsibility creates an opportunity. You can invest in high cash value Your Personal bank TM policies that are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, highly liquid, and likely to increase returns for the next 5-10 years!

Your Personal Bank

Wednesday at 11 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Your Personal Bank TM is a financial concept that strategically integrates financial tools from the banking and insurance industries to continue growth on funds even when you access them for other purposes. Ferenc will share how Your Personal Bank can enhance returns on investments, including real estate, reduce the cost of borrowing, and safely create positive arbitrage. Ferenc will also share how the rapidly increasing interest rates will likely increase future returns and positive arbitrage.

Ferenc Toth

Ferenc is founder of Your Personal Bank TM. He is passionate about helping people gain control of their money, create tax-favored income, and having access to more funds over their lifetime! He has a knack of explaining complicated financial concepts in a simple and easily understood manner. Ferenc gets people to think and empowers them to better understand the financial tools they are considering. He actively educates for financial literacy. Ferenc’s company continues growing rapidly with over 5000 clients and a dozen advisers. Ferenc has personally advised over 1000 clients and mentored many advisors over his 20+ year career. Ferenc has been and is annually recognized by several financial and insurance institutions as a top advisor. He has been honored many years as a top 10 adviser nationally. Ferenc is a General Agent. Unlike most agents/advisors General Agents work directly with financial institutions and typically have an extensive level of experience and knowledge. Ferenc proudly served in the Fife and Drum Corps, 3rd US Infantry, “The Old Guard”, US Army. The Old Guard is the Army's official ceremonial unit and escort to the president. The Fife and Drum Corps is one of the premier musical units in the US Army. Ferenc performed in many ceremonial functions at the White House and various events around the country including the Indianapolis 500 and Kentucky Derby. Ferenc is a semi-professional bass trombonist. He performs in various groups including church orchestra

Episode Directory

July 2024

June 2024

  • 6/26/2024: What is Your Personal Bank and Why is Now is an Excellent Time to Consider Adding to Your Portfolio Listen Now
  • 6/19/2024: Saudi Arabia Will Not Renew the Petrodollar Agreement. How This Will Affect the US Economy. Listen Now
  • 6/12/2024: David Walker Interview - Former US Comptroller General, CEO of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and Social Security Trustee. Listen Now

May 2024

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