August 12, 2024
Hosted by Elizabeth Monroy

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Bio Cyncing to our Mother Earth! In our crazy world where ALL media has been infiltrated and at times You may scream silently at the latest insanity the world is parading around as truth! Or perhaps you are on overload from the latest breaking news of full disclosure! Perhaps on this awakening journey you are more confused and are wishing about now you had taken the blue pill? Perhaps you have no idea what is true anymore??? The ultimate Truth is EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. So of course if you look to The external world of manifest creation and all it variations and distortions of ENERGY you will always be confused. You must go to the Infinite source of all Creation to KNOW THE TRUTH and this infinite Source is inside of YOU! So ultimately It all goes back to KNOW THY SELF since you are indeed infinite, all that is, ever has been and Ever will be! Which ultimately means you are…well everything! THE BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD TO THE HUMAN was that we were separate from all creation. That God was something outside of us our mother Earth, the trees and mountains were non living things for our exploitation . We never thought of how interconnected we are and how what happens to our planet directly affects us! This is how the fallen finite parasites took control of us by taking over the energetic template of our Mother Earth, her ley lines, her star gates her dragon nodes. They took control of the holographic template that runs your software! As she fell so did the angelic humans! THE GOOD NEWS! Our Earth’s holographic template as well as the template of our entire UNIverse is being restored! But we must wake up to the truth and our true power so we can influence and interact with the world around us on an energetic level! This was the secret knowledge that the ancients held. This is where the true power lies and what the parasites do not want you to know! There was a time when this was the way we manifested everything! These abilities are coming back online with greater quantum! Which explains why the external world is desperately trying to get you to “pay” your attention outside of yourself so you will not discover that true power within you! This week we will have Fay Semple from England which holds the most ley lines on our Earth’s template! She is a Spiritual entrepreneur, psychic, wisdom holder of earth magic, nature lover, geomancer, dowser, mother of 2 and perpetually curious seeker of knowledge and learning. Her gift is enabling women to work with their higher self, energy and spirit at the deepest level to co-create a reality that supports them in their success. In our Last episode we discussed how The Women will give Birth to the New Earth and Fey will is here to support us in reclaiming this ancient wisdom and power that is returning to us! Also the learned David Emery is back to discuss the keylonic creations mechanics of our multiverse and how the Krystal River fail safe host and the nomi seed .

The Infinite Human Talk Show

Monday at 9 AM PST on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The is emerging on the face of the Earth a new Human and infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for discussions, activations, meditations and visualizations with other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken finite, fragmented, corrupted 3D Earth and alchemizing it into a more infinite, expansive, unified reality by reclaiming their true divine infinite power as the co-creators of the new infinite Earth. We will be discussing topics that help individuals to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite Earth paradigms and belief systems. We will be interviewing guests, having enlightening conversations and co -creating a new consciousness renaissance so people can find their own soul- utions to many problems our world is NOW facing from within and BE THE CHANGE by seeing, being and living life from a higher perspective of knowing WE ARE ALL ONE!

Elizabeth Monroy

Elizabeth Monroy is an International Author, Talk Show Host, Film Director, Producer, Intuitive Life Coach, Visionary and New Earth Co Creator. Her spiritual books support humanity’s ascension process including Children’s books, Romance Novels and her latest book, The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, the Co-creators of the Infinite New Earth. She holds a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling and has traveled the planet with her husband, Peter Monroy a physician, laying a foundation for a higher modality of divine inner healing which they wrote about in their book The Pathway Home. Elizabeth has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, she moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance. Elizabeth now lives in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Sicily with Kiki her Pomeranian dog and Peter, her twin soul though no longer in the physical is always with her in spirit. They travel the planet giving speaking engagements, workshops, esoteric tours and co-creating New Earth Communities to support our Mother Earth and humanity's shift from the dark HIS-tory of Earth to OUR-STORY as we reset to the Infinite!

Episode Directory

September 2024

August 2024

  • 8/12/2024: BIO CYNCING TO OUR MOTHER EARTH! Why it is crucial NOW! Listen Now

July 2024

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