Welcome Dr. DeBrincat Your Brain Analyst!

October 2, 2024
Hosted by Frank Helring

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Episode Description

Brain Health? Do you have a healthy brain? Is it possible to take a look inside your skull and find out? Is it possible to determine not only current Brain Health but your future possible problems that you will have to contend without your knowledge? There is an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of foolishness??? You need to find out where you stand and today is NOT too late to start. Tune in as Ninon and I find out what WE don't know either! On, on another note. We both are SENIORS and IF you are a SENIOR, you need to turn in right now! For further information on the show go to: certaintyteam.com (click on the media tab) Production and Promotion: Executive Producer & Director, Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams - Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch

Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound.

Small business needs a “counter” to these E-commerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption.

Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.

Frank Helring

Frank Helring is the CEO and Founder of TheHubmartLLC. He is an established executive with over 45 years of service encompassing Christian ministries, private/corporate insurance, public/philanthropic enterprises and private equities sectors.

His past tenures include owning his own General Insurance Agency from October 1977 to 1991, serving as an Executive Director with World Vision of Orange County from 1994 to 1998 inclusive as a President and CEO of a community-based organization.He has served as President of JMS Consulting Group 2004-2006, a private equities firm in Los Angeles during which time he personally consulted to the VP of Benefits of the legendary NFIB.com on “Boutique” Membership programs and Association negotiating levels of involvement. He and his wife have owned Allure Med Aesthetics, Inc. a medical aesthetics practice, since 2013. Most recently, he is currently involved with revolutionary firms engaged in accelerating the emerging “opportunity commercial marketplace” and cutting edge medical regeneration technologies.

Frank resides in Mission Viejo, with his wife Rhoda. His combination of grassroots community involvement, strategic relationships formation and continued success as a visionary corporate entrepreneur distinguish him as an invaluable asset to the small business community at large.

Episode Directory

October 2024

  • 10/30/2024: Pivot Is Not Just a Word It's a Necessity! Coming Soon
  • 10/2/2024: Welcome Dr. DeBrincat Your Brain Analyst! Listen Now

September 2024

August 2024

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