The Customer - Understanding why people buy

January 13, 2015
Hosted by Malcolm Evans

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Episode Description

In this episode with Jeffrey Gitomer King of Sales we will discuss what you should always have in mind. The Customer - But First Ask yourself:- Who is my ideal Customer? What do I know about him? Why does the customer buy? What should I be talking about when I meet him? What should I be asking? Why would he buy from me? What does he buy from me? Is he Satisfied or Loyal? Is it the same thing?

Stand Up, Stand Out or Stand Down

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Sales is a tough world where rejection is part of the day to day. Customers and prospects are smarter and better informed than ever! So many things look very much the same. Ask yourself, “When I stand next to my competitors do I stand out?”

You do know that the old ways of selling don’t work anymore? Sales in a Slump? Need to try something else? Worried about job security? Ever thought about a Plan B but don’t know how to make it a reality? Trying to build your brand? Need to look big on a small budget?

This show brings you ideas, resources, experts and experience, you will hear what works today. Actionable advice and useful direction from some key players in the sales world. In sales you deal in creativity, alternatives and ideas, all things you want your customers to recognize and choose you. Listen to see what is available that can give you the edge that you are looking for.

Malcolm Evans

Malcolm Evans has been in sales since he could walk. He is described as a passionate Salesmans’ Salesman, an advocate for businesses and customers alike. He grew up living in a pub in rural Wales surrounded by green fields and sheep. “I have been dealing with customers since I could reach high enough to pour a pint of beer.”

Originally in engineering he transitioned to a sales life in the 80s. Pagers, fax machines, CRM and 5 pound mobile phones are some of the changes he has seen. His experience covers marketing, advertising and sales management. No stranger to the global market, Malcolm came to USA in 2001 while employed by one of the largest engineering companies to focus on the challenges of global selling and international business development.

Malcolm is a business owner, sales trainer, aspiring writer and speaker. He is a Jeffrey Gitomer Certified Advisor and holds his own interesting perspectives on sales, customer relations and the entrepreneurial spirit. He is a driven individual motivated by the “American Dream” where anything can be achieved.

Since the mid 2000’s a general malaise has existed in the world of sales, loyalty has been ignored and relationships commoditized to save a dollar. Bad management practices have seen valuable sales people put aside or downsized out. “Salespeople are the oxygen and blood of companies, they spread ideas and creativity!” He believes it’s time to take a fresh look and get people talking.

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