Best Selling Authors Scott Magnuson and Shaaren Pine

September 14, 2015
Hosted by Steven Nicolle

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Episode Description

Scott and Shaaren share their story of how alcohol and drugs almost tore them apart in their best selling book entitled,"Torn Together." What they have gone through is no stranger to the restaurant industry. Young people are becoming more and more intoxicated and high due to the easy accessibility of alcohol and drugs in the industry. Scott and Shaaren tell of their recovery and what they are doing about helping others who are in the process of going through the same thing as they did. Scott has since started a non-profit network for restaurant workers called, "Restaurant Recovery". The mission of "Restaurant Recovery" is to provide comprehensive solutions to address addiction and its effects on restaurant employees, their families and the restaurant industry. Helping restaurant workers find and pay for drug and alcohol treatment, while helping loved ones get the assistance they need is what they do. Definitely an episode you will not want to miss!

The Hospitality Industry News Network

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel

The Hospitality Industry News Network is the show people turn to for inside information on what is happening throughout the industry. From topics on how to get hired for that position you want, to matching a perfect wine to complement a dish you will learn something new every week and be highly entertained in the process. Featured guests offer their professional insight enabling you to learn from their experience.

You’ll learn everything you’ve always wanted to know about the Hospitality Industry from those who work in it. So whether you are a waiter, bartender, manager, or just eat a lot in restaurants you will not want to miss our show. It may even change the way you look at your waiter the next time you sit in a restaurant or order that cocktail from your favorite bartender. Who knows? You may even consider changing your career path by enrolling yourself in the nearest bartending course!

Steven Nicolle

Steven Nicolle has been working in the Hospitality Industry for over 35 years, starting with a bartending course he took in 1979. From that bartending course he worked in such places as England and Switzerland, to luxury cruise ships. It was a cruise ship where he met his wife of nearly 20 years.

Having been a Bar Manager, Restaurant Manager, Maitre D’, and Food and Beverage Manager to name a few positions he has held, Steven can speak from experience when speaking on any topic regarding the Hospitality Industry. From here or abroad, Steven has an opinion on what it's like to work in the industry.

A teacher of bartending, and currently employed as a waiter, Steven has his ear to the ground on what is going on in the Hospitality Industry. A blogger since 2008, he has appeared on CNN as a guest on-line and has been on the documentary program called the Doc Zone where he imparts some words of wisdom regarding service. A recent graduate of the International Sommelier Guild, his active pursuit of knowledge and serving others makes Steven a must listen to host each week.

Episode Directory

November 2015

October 2015

September 2015

  • 9/28/2015: We Talk with Julie Miguel Masterchef Canada Participant Recipe Developer and Author Listen Now
  • 9/21/2015: Jeff Cioletti Talks: His New Book Coming to a Bookstore Near You Listen Now
  • 9/14/2015: Best Selling Authors Scott Magnuson and Shaaren Pine Listen Now

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